Competition Number 1 |
Competition Number 2 |
Competition Number 3Anyway, here are the answers: Arto "Lil'Archie"
Hämäläinen (guitars) Gibson (Les Paul) & Ibanez Musician
The fourth in an ongoing series of competitions is over: Correct entries would have been: Spanish "Monkey"
No winners! Not a single correct entry received! I didn't say it was easy, but you can blame Rane for the question. Although I should have thought there are one or two Dr. Feelgood fans out there who can spot the pigeon. |
Competition Number 5Who was the previous owner of Timppa "MadMan" Väätäinen's drumset? Answer: Vinny Appice |
Competition Number 6Tell in no less than 100 words why "Dr. Feelgood" should pack it in and why you'll be throwing a party and get pissed out of your head the day this is officially announced! The (one and only) answer received went like this: "Dr Feelgood" should pack it in because 1.
The winner bagged the following: 2 Promo CD's of "Chess
Masters" in card sleeves
I'm left wondering where this will end up. Car boot sale? Local pub darts competition? Well, the winner takes it all and I will not take it back. |